Proteosign: an end-user differential proteomics statistical analysis platform.
Making proteomics post processing analysis easy
Welcome to Proteosign v2 documentation!
This is a brief documentation of the second version of ProteoSign, a simple to use - end-user targeting service for quantitative comparative proteomics data post processing.
PS2 can help you produce publication quality data plots and discover key proteins in your proteomics data in a blink of an eye!
PS2 accepts data from Proteome Discoverer and MaxQuant and performs statistical analysis, quality testing and visualization plots in just a few steps. There is no need to know advanced statistics or have coding skills, PS2 borrows the power of LIMMA from microarrays to run the statistics and give you beautiful and informative results like this volcano plot shown above!
From a web service to a standalone server and desktop application
PS was initially published as a web service hosted on our server in University of Crete. Version 2 can be easily installed as a standalone desktop program for local data analysis or as a server service for clustering data analysis e.g. on a laboratory local server. PS2 uses the power of docker to make local installation easy, system independable, agile and extensible, keeping it always updated with the most recent proteomics analysis features. PS2 will also continue existing as a web service for users prefering a simple web based experience.
An open source program waiting for your ideas
Hosted on Github PS2 is open source and well documented waiting for new ideas and community contributions. It also features a FAQ page keeping the users, the community and us - the developers
- in touch.
See the contents on the left to read the user’s guide or a brief explanation of ProteoSign’s code under “Community guide”.