Installing Proteo Sign

Installing ProteoSign

A simple guide to install PS as a standalone program or as a local service

Installing in a local server

PS can be installed in a local network server to be accessed through its web interface. Simply download our web interface from web interface Github Repository (Clone or download -> Download ZIP) and save all the contents in a folder called ProteoSign under the html folder. Configure your server using the instructions below (Configure a local server) and simply access ProteoSign’s site from a network client!

Configure a local server

Before running PS for the first time you need to configure your server and install some prerequisites, PS is tested under apache server:

  • Install php: although apache friends may contain php in their bundle make sure that you have downloaded PHP and that it runs well on your server. For example for windows systems use this link to download and install the last version of php. Then, enable php as an apache module.
  • Install R: Most linux distributions have R already installed, for windows users, download and install the latest version of R from its official website. Then, make sure that Rscript.exe application is contained in the PATH environment variable in Windows (example), in linux it should work automatically after R installation.
  • Install SQLite3 as a PDO. Use these instructions to install it in ubuntu. Windows versions of php should contain SQLITE3, uncomment the lines ;extension=pdo_sqlite and ;extension=sqlite3 by erasing the question mark prefix in “php.ini” file to enable SQLITE3, then restart apache.
  • Edit php.ini and set the following options: max_execution_time=1200, post_max_size=4G, upload_max_filesize=4G then restart apache.
  • Edit configuration variables in script.js. Script.js is the main javascript file of PS, edit: var cgi_bin_path = ‘cgi-bin/'; to a relative path pointing to a folder with read write priviledges in case you have priviledges issues with cgi-bin and var server_Feedback_file = “/media/sdb1/ProteoSign/Feedbacks.txt”; pointing to an existing read/writeable text file in your server
  • Alter folder priviledges and owner: Mainly for linux users make sure that the folders cgi-bin, css, images, js, test data, uploads are owned by www-data group and their contents have read and write priviledges.
  • Add a .htaccess file in ProteoSign’s folder. It is recommended to add an htaccess file to redirect php errors to a text file since PS produces many errors that may end up in apaches error logs. Add the following contents to the .htaccess file
# supress php errors
php_flag display_startup_errors off
php_flag display_errors off
php_flag html_errors off
# enable PHP error logging
php_flag log_errors on
php_value error_log /var/www/html/ProteoSign/cgi-bin/PHP_errors.log
# prevent access to PHP error log
<Files PHP_errors.log>
 Order allow,deny
 Deny from all
 Satisfy All
  • Edit apache main configuration file: in case you want to regularly update PS from our github repository it is advicable that you add the following lines to your apache configuration file to your apache configuration file that will prevent caching (make sure that mod_headers is installed) and then restart apache:
LoadModule headers_module /usr/lib/apache2/modules/
<Directory "/vaw/www/html/ProteoSign*">
    Options -Indexes
    <filesMatch "(\.html|\.htm|\.js|\.css|\.php|\.png|_help|\.PNG)$">
        FileETag None
        <ifModule mod_headers.c>
            Header unset ETag
            Header set Cache-Control "max-age=0, no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate"
            Header set Pragma "no-cache"
            Header set Expires "Wed, 11 Jan 1984 05:00:00 GMT"

Using PS as a web service

To use PS as a local service simply visit ProteoSign’s web page and follow the instructions contained in this documentation.